
Below we’ve designed two different class schedules for you, your church, or study group. This way you can select the best method to suit your needs.

The BOLM School of the Bible was originally laid out as a 2 year course held with weekly classes at our local church in Port Ewen, NY. Since its formation it has undergone many changes, and is still constantly developing. While the local school is still held every year within our various church locations, we have now worked to develop an online, video based format for our BOLM friends across the globe.

Classic, 2 Year Schedule

This plan allows for a class to be held once a week, consisting of 2 videos. Allow 3 hours* of video time. When holding school in our churches, we typically allow for a short break between the classes (videos in this case) to have a time of food and fellowship between students.

If you’re taking the school independently, schedule time* to watch 2 videos within the course of your week.

*Class video time indicated does not include each person’s weekly study and reading time.

View, print, or download this schedule below.

Fast Track, 1 Year Schedule

This plan is for a more serious student working independently, or to be used in a ministry school setting. Completing the school within one year would require a person to watch 4 videos a week plus reading and study time. Perfect for part time students of the Bible like church interns, staff, or ministry students.

View, print, or download this schedule below.